
public struct Reference

Referencing a transaction

the Reference object is supposed to simplify storing reference data like consumer, payment references and metadata dictionary that can hold an arbitrary set of key value based information

you create a reference object by calling the initializer with a reference of your consumer.

If you have used the reference to register a card, make sure that the consumer reference stays the same for making token based transactions

guard let references = Reference(consumerRef: "consumer0053252") else { return }

the Reference initializer returns an optional because of the payment reference which is being generated using the identifierForVendor() method on UIDevice.currentDevice(). The method returns an optional value and thus can return nil in certain device states.

If the value is nil, wait and get the value again later. This happens, for example, after the device has been restarted but before the user has unlocked the device.

  • Your reference for this consumer



    public let yourConsumerReference: String
  • Your reference for this payment



    public let yourPaymentReference: String
  • An object containing any additional data you wish to tag this payment with. The property name and value are both limited to 50 characters, and the whole object cannot be more than 1024 characters



    public let yourPaymentMetaData: [String : String]?
  • Convenience initializer that will generate a unique payment reference



    public init?(consumerRef: String, metaData: [String : String]? = nil)



    The consumer reference for a Reference


    An optional field for any arbitrary data that is tied to a certrain transaction

    Return Value

    a Reference object