
public class PreAuth: Transaction, TransactionPath

When you want to process a Pre-authorization, you create a Pre-auth object and start adding the necessary information. This Transaction supports two types of Pre-auths. You can process Pre-auths using a full set of card details, or by referencing a previously processed transaction.

  • Card Pre-auth
    • For pre-auths where you have the full card details including the card number.
  • Token Pre-auth
    • For processing payments using a saved card (requires the Card token and Consumer token values).

Transaction contains all the necessary implementation of Payments and Pre-auths since these are very closely related.

Card Pre-auth

    myJudoSession.preauth(correctJudoID, amount: amount, reference: references)
                 .contact(mobileNumber, emailAddress)
                 .completion({ (data, error) -> () in
                     if let  = error {
                         // failure
                     } else {
                         // success
<a href=’#tokenpre_auth’ class=‘anchor’ aria-hidden=true>

Token Pre-auth

swift token preAuth myJudoSession.preauth(correctJudoID, amount: amount, reference: references) .paymentToken(payToken) .location(location) .contact(mobileNumber, emailAddress) .completion({ (data, error) -> () in if let _ = error { // failure } else { // success } })

Learn more here

  • path variable for pre-auth class



    public static var path: String { get { return "transactions/preauths" } }