
public class RegisterCard: Transaction, TransactionPath

When you want to register a card, you create a RegisterCard object and start adding the necessary information. This transaction only supports one kind of registration. You have to do this using a full set of card details.

  • Card registration
  • For registrations where you have the full card details including the card number.

Transaction contains all the necessary implementation of Payments, PreAuths and RegisterCards since these are very closely related

Card registration

    myJudoSession.registerCard(correctJudoID, amount: amount, reference: references)
                 .contact(mobileNumber, emailAddress)
                 .completion({ (data, error) -> () in
                     if let _ = error {
                         // failure
                     } else {
                         // success

Learn more here

  • path variable for registering a card



    public static var path: String { get { return "transactions/registercard" } }